Access to exhaustive, verified and reliable vacancies & decision tools
Knowledge of rental terms in the same building or locality can save a lot on rental outflow
Data that helps track tenant activity, target prospects, and fill properties
Transaction details can help in making sound Buy/Sell decisions
Information available at fingertips to present to management
Take smart and quick decisions based on our sophisticated cash flow analysis
DMGT (dmg :: information) is a global investor with a portfolio of high growth, innovative, must-have information media businesses in the property, education, energy and commodity and structured finance sectors. Their goal is to continue to identify, invest in and organically develop strong and differentiated b2b information businesses.
Real Capital Analytics, Inc. is a data and analytics firm with offices in New York City, San Jose and London. Started in 2000, the firm's proprietary research is focused exclusively on the investment market for global Commercial Real Estate.